Monday, 13 July 2015

Dresslink Haul and Review!

This is a collective haul of all the things I’ve bought from Dresslink so far, and a mini review on the site and the quality :)
If you don’t know what Dresslink is, it’s basically an online shop with really affordable clothes, shoes, bags (and other things) from China.

The items I got:

1. Leather look leggings
Dresslink photo:

I don’t think they’re very good quality, but they were less than $4 (AUD). They’re very thin, and the thread seems to be a little scraggly. I’ve put them through the wash a couple times, but I don’t think they’re going to last many many washes. They’re also a bit baggy on me, and a little long too (I’m 5′1), but for average height people they should be okay.
I don’t regret buying them, because they’re cheap for what they are, but I kind of would rather a pair that would last a little longer, and were thicker.
But if you’re not sure about this trend then feel free to buy a pair of these to give it a go. Because Dresslink’s shipping costs are based on weight, these leggings don’t cost much to ship because they’re so light.

2. Cat coin purse
Dresslink photo:
The little tie on the zip actually fell off as soon as I opened the package for the coin purse, but I really really love it anyway. It’s very soft on the back, adorable on the front, and it has a pretty lining inside. I think it’s quirky, and I got this for $3 with free shipping.

3. Four piece brush set
Dresslink photo:

The bristles are soft, and exactly the same feeling as my Sigma F80 for a fraction of the cost. If you’re iffy about the clothes quality and whatnot from cheaper Asian sites, I don’t think you need to worry about the brushes.

Final thoughts:
I like that the site is so affordable, but you get what you pay for (most of the time). I did three separate orders because you hear horror stories about how people make a massive order and half of the things are wrong or missing, so I felt like making three small orders were the way to go. I definitely got all the items I ordered, although some were a longer wait than others (the brushes, but they were worth the wait). All in all I don’t have huge urges to shop at Dresslink in the near future, mostly because the shipping will bite your ass, but it’s a nice site to browse and maybe shop at if you’re looking to try different styles but don’t want to invest in anything expensive.

Some tips on ordering:
  • Always look for measurements, and compare it to your favourite clothes, etc
  • Read the reviews
  • Look for more popular items (they’ll have more reviews and ratings too)
  • Shoes tend to have a hefty shipping fee
  • If you make an account they give you a discount code :) 
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